Happy Birthday to Alpha Phi Alpha!!!
In our dear A Phi A fraternal spirit binds.
All the noble, the true, and courageous.
Manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind
Are the aims of our dear fraternity.
Happy Founders Day to all the Ice Cold Brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, INCORPORATED! It has been 102 years since the Seven Jewels founded the first Black Greek Letter organization (fraternity) on the campus of Cornell University in Ithica, New York.
Alpha Phi Alpha, the pride of our hearts and loved by us dearly art thou,
We cherish thy precepts, thy banner shall be raised.
To thy glory, thy honor, and renown.
That makes Alpha Phi Alpha one of the oldest black organizations outside of the church -even older than the NAACP. And I’d like to send a special shout out to all the brothers of the Potent Pi Omicron Chapter at Texas A&M University.
College days swiftly pass, imbued with memories fond,
And the recollection slowly fades away.
Our renowned A Phi A and dear fraternal bond,
May they ever abide and with us stay.
So go out and make it a good one brothers. And let’s not forget the Jewels (the seven founders of the fraternity):
Henry Arthur Callis
Charles Henry Chapman
Eugene Kinckle Jones
George Biddle Kelley
Nathaniel Allison Murray
Robert Harold Ogle
Vertner Woodson Tandy
1-1-1-9 (awaits response)
Bold paragraphs are words to Alpha Phi Alpha Hymn – Words by Brother Abram L. Simpson, Music by Brother John J. Erby