Dallas Progress Post
Michael Davis has an excellent post at Dallas Progress regarding titled Address the problem. There he outlines some of the issues that he feels are hindering Dallas, and contributing to the crime situation.All his points are on the money.
There's so much crime going on at these apartments complexes, I'd like to see the police take the proactive approach of setting up shop onsite. If they had a unit in the complex they could help discourage some of those with bad intent. When I talked to some of the folks at Southwind Apartments after a fatal shooting there, they said the police assured them they would drive through 3 times a week. I know the department is spread thin, but you have 3 or 4 complexes right there together on Wheatland, they should be able to make a more focused effort. Chief Kunckle rightly says Dallas can't arrest its way out of the crime situation, but focusing on hot spots will be a better use of resources.
But this is not a DPD issue, it's a city issue. The city has to get more officers on the street, without excuse and in short order. I'm still not sure how the new DPD South Central Station will affect the crime situation, but it can't hurt.