helping to shed light on misinformation in healthcare “debate”
Matt Thompson has started a new website called which is devoted to clearing up the lies, distortions, misinformation being spread in the healthcare debate. Matt is a fellow participant in the Poynter Institutes Sense Making project.
He lays out the facts just like the President and Congress should: We are spending too much on healthcare and we are getting too little. We as a nation are already more generous than any other when it comes to dollars spent. But much of that money is spent in the wrong places and going into the pockets of the wrong people.
Matt clearly lays out how bad our system really is when looking at outcomes:
On almost every objective measure, the US health care system falls far behind other developed countries.
- The most exhaustive non-partisan study of health care outcomes to date found that the US health care system is dead last in stopping preventable deaths.
- Babies are more than twice as likely to die in the US than in Japan — we have a worse infant mortality rate than Cuba.
- We’re ranked 30th in the world for life expectancy, lower than Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- And US patients say they’re less satisfied with their health care than almost any other industrialized nation.
I would urge members of the Dallas South Family to visit, check through a few pages, and spread the information to as many people as possible. We need to have the best information possible in order that we all are part of an informed process. At least those of us who choose “hope over fear” and “unity of purpose of conflict and discord.” (President Obama’s Inauguration speech).