Category: Politics and Elections

Sarah Palin coming to Washington to replace Ted Stevens?

Sarah Palin coming to Washington to replace Ted Stevens?

It looks like Alaska Senator Ted Stevens will survive his Senate seat.  Look for the GOP to force him to resign and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to appoint herself to the U.S. Senate.  Palin has had a taste of politics in the lower 48 and it may be tough for...

Shawn P on 570 AM KLIF around 8:20 AM Wednesday Morning

Shawn P on 570 AM KLIF around 8:20 AM Wednesday Morning

Check me out on Jeff Bolton at 8:20 am on 570 am KLIF to discuss Pres. Barack Obama



Wow, who woulda thunk it.  Yes we did.  Yes we did.  6000 People at Friendship West tonight for President Barack Obama’s big moment.  I have video that will be up on You Tube momentarily.

3000 People at Dallas South/Friendship-West Watch Party!!!

3000 People at Dallas South/Friendship-West Watch Party!!!

It Really is all the way live. I think we’re approaching 4000 people here. It’s looking like a real good night for Obama supporters. Shawn P.

8 Races that I’ll be watching on Tuesday night

8 Races that I’ll be watching on Tuesday night

On Tuesday, all of the attention will be at the top of the ballot as we watch the election returns come in. But there are dozens of races nationwide that bear watching for the astute political observer. Here are the races I’ll be monitoring Tuesday night. Minnesota 6th U.S. Congressional...

Paris Texas (Lamar County) District Attorney’s office/Gary Young part of the problem, not the solution

Paris Texas (Lamar County) District Attorney’s office/Gary Young part of the problem, not the solution

In Monday morning’s Dallas Morning News, Richard Abshire follows up on the death of Brandon McClelland in Paris, Texas. Two suspects are in custody for running over Brandon and dragging him after a night of drinking. Richard worked on this story for weeks, and though there’s not a lot of...

Sarah Palin “going rouge” & “diva” staffers tell CNN’s Dana Bash and John King/ Politico’s Ben Smith

Sarah Palin “going rouge” & “diva” staffers tell CNN’s Dana Bash and John King/ Politico’s Ben Smith

When I visited Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters last summer, I left with two words on how his campaign was to be run: NO DRAMA. Some of the staffers even had the words posted in their cubes. Looks like the McCain camp could use this advice right about now. CNN is...

I voted today

I voted today

This campaign has lasted so long it didn’t seem real when I was in line to vote today. The line at the Duncanville Library was long, it took us about 30 minutes to get through. I can only image what things will be like across the country next Tuesday. High...