Category: Politics and Elections

George W. Bush Library appears to be headed to Dallas

George W. Bush Library appears to be headed to Dallas

According to the Dallas Morning News, the George W. Bush Presidential Library will likely be awarded to Southern Methodist University in Dallas.  According to DMN, the Bush selection committee is in negotiations with the folks over on the hilltop about the particulars. I felt that SMU had the best shot throughout...

Dallas NAACP Candidate seeks “New Era”

Dallas NAACP Candidate seeks “New Era”

On Saturday, the Dallas Branch of the NAACP will be electing a new leader.  Community activist and University of North Texas graduate Casey Thomas seeks to become the groups next president.  Mr. Thomas represents a new generation of young African-American leaders that have emerged in Dallas over the last year.  He talked with Dallas South Blog about his candidacy. DSB:...

Interview with President of A&M Black Former Students

Interview with President of A&M Black Former Students

Robert Gates has gained the respect of a broad range of people and organizations while at Texas A&M.  One of those groups would be the Texas A&M Black Former Student Network, and it's president Ken Robinson. Mr. Robinson graduated from Skyline High School in Dallas, and graduated from Texas A&M...

Dallas GOP Judges Sent Packing

Dallas GOP Judges Sent Packing

I'm not much into predictions, but I checked into a comment I made at Blue Island on October 14 in reference to Black Republicans. …I hope that the Johnny Come Lately Republicans don't get caught on the wrong side of the impeding political shift. I've talked to a number of African-Americans...

Craig Watkins Poised to be Dallas County D.A.

Craig Watkins Poised to be Dallas County D.A.

The national shift towards the Democratic Party may have made it all the way down to Dallas. With 99% of precincts reporting, it looks as though Craig Watkins will defeat Toby Shook and become Dallas County's next District Attorney.  Watkins, who has promised changes in the DA's office, built on...

Democrats to Take Control of the House

Democrats to Take Control of the House

                                                 CNBC and CNN have given the U. S. House of Representatives to the Democratic Party. 

Dallas Bond Props in Good Shape

Dallas Bond Props in Good Shape

Early projections show that all 12 Dallas bond proposals should pass easily.  Prop 10, which is for the acquisition of land in Cadillac Heights for a future Dallas Police Academy seems to be the least popular.

Republicans Lament Steele’s Loss in Maryland

Republicans Lament Steele’s Loss in Maryland

                                                           Republicans felt they had an African-American candidate they could rally around in Maryland's Michael Steele.  Steele however will be defeated in his race for the Senate by Democrat Benjamin Cardin.  Steele had won the support of a number of Maryland's Black Democrats, but it wasn't enough on election night. 

Exit Survey for Texas Governor’s Election

Exit Survey for Texas Governor’s Election

North Texas Liberal  has posted an exit poll that is being conducted by West Texas A&M University.  If you early voted anywhere in Texas, take a couple of minutes to respond to the exit poll at this link.