Tagged: Barack Obama

New York Times article on Reggie Love, Barack Obama’s “Body Man”

New York Times article on Reggie Love, Barack Obama’s “Body Man”

  I ran across a nice article in Tuesday’s New York Times about Barack Obama’s right hand man Reggie Love.  Here are some excerpts from Ashley Parker’s front page piece On the Court and On the Trail. In the last year, Barack Obama has learned a thing or two about...

Thanks Mr. Governor: Ed Rendell (D) PA, tells us America is “not ready” for Black President

Thanks Mr. Governor: Ed Rendell (D) PA, tells us America is “not ready” for Black President

Thanks to Field Negro and Francis Holland for turning me on to this story out of Pennsylvania. It seems that the governor is trying to use a jedi mind trick on white voters in the Quaker State. “You’ve got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who...

UPDATE:Caroline Kennedy to endorse Barack Obama in New York Times Op/Ed “A President Like My Father”

UPDATE:Caroline Kennedy to endorse Barack Obama in New York Times Op/Ed “A President Like My Father”

CNN and MSNBC report Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg will endorse Barack Obama for the Democratic Presidential nomination.  The endorsement will appear via a New York Times Opinion piece on Sunday. I finally found the Kennedy/Schlossberg endorsement.  Here are some of the highlights: OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the...