Corker Ad Part of Republican Desperation

Republican Senate Incumbent Bob Corker unleashed a Controversial Campaign Ad over the weekend, in his race against Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. (see ad here).   The controversy centers around a highly made up blonde white female in the commercial who claims to have "…met Harold at the Playboy party," and at the end winks at the camera asking Ford to call her.  


Many, including Republicans have denounced the ad as racist.  If nothing else, the commercial is tasteless, and shows just what the GOP will do in their bid to retain control of Congress. 

Then on Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh accused Michael J. Fox, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, of "acting" in a campaign ad running in Missouri.  Limbaugh claims Fox was "…exaggerating the effects of the disease." and that his "…moving all around and shaking…" was purely an act.

It amazes me how dirty and crooked these people are, and yet they always claim the moral high ground.  What's even worse is those who choose to join this so-called "conservative movement" and align themselves with these people over one or two issues.  Is this what American politics has come to?

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