Adult Video Store May Be Looking To Get Out

Looks like there will be a positive conclusion to the Adult Video Store fiasco in Oak Cliff.  Scott Goldstein wrote a thoughtful well-researched article in Saturday's Dallas Morning News where he reported the owners of the proposed New Fine Arts were willing to leave the area.  In Sunday's Morning News, Scott reports that a meeting has been scheduled between storeowners and community leaders.

This effort has shown what is a continuing trend of increasing organization in Southern Dallas.  Three or four years ago, this effort may not have been pulled together so quickly.  But over the course of 4-weeks, local churches, advocates, news outlets, city and state officials, as well as hard working citizens all made contributions to what should eventually be a positive solution.

According to the articles, the owners want to be compensated for the money that they have already invested into the project.  What???  They made a poor decision to move to a neighborhood without checking with the residents first, and we have to pay them off?  Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  Had they just done a little due diligence, they would have realized a long time ago that this wasn't the time or place for this type of business.  And we must pay for their lack of vision.

I'll reserve judgment until we see what happens, but this is grassroots organizing at it's best.  Hopefully, the same groups that came together to stop this project will come together to build something else.  Protests are good, but projects are better.

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