I'd ask that everyone indulge me over the next week as I attempt to publish quality posts and at the same time celebrate Dallas South's one year anniversary. It's really a celebration of readers and the folks that have kept this thing running.
I have to thank my wife Tamela who has supported my blogging habit over the last year. I thank my mom Linda for being my most loyal reader and encouraging me to write for all of these years.
Ed Haskin who publishes Parenting Toys has done all the technical stuff regarding Dallas South since I moved over from blogger. He truly is the reason why I've been able to present the information in such a clear format and I also thank him for securing my domain name and email.
Mike Davis started Dallas Progress about the same time that Dallas South got off the ground. Within months he was voted Best Political Blogger in Dallas by the Observer and I thought that the internet might not be big enough for both sites (that was stupid on pure principle). Mike has been very supportive over the last year, I call him my best friend I've never met. I also have to give a shout out to Renee Hartley at Blue Island who was one of the first sites to link here.
Thanks to Mike Orren and Alan Cohen who approached me about being a content partner with Pegasus News . I really thought that they were kidding when they pitched the idea, but they have exposed this site to a whole different population, and I appreciate that. Also thanks to Blair Lovern who reformats most of my posts for Pegasus.
Wilton Hollins proofed my early posts (I could still use a little help), and helped to establish the tone of Dallas South Blog. He still chimes in from time to time.
Shout out to Sylvia at The Anti-Essentialist Conundrum who has played a big role in exposing Dallas South to a nationwide audience. I had planned on talking about potholes and stray dogs, but God had another plan for this deal.
I thank Don Imus for being himself, and driving the highest traffic day ever for this website.
And again thanks to each and every reader, let's make the next year even better.