4 Great Dallas Spots in 24 Hours for the Williams’
Having a young child, it's not often that my wife and I are able to get out and enjoy the city. Over a 24 hour stretch on Saturday and Sunday, we were able to hit 4 Dallas locations near downtown and just outside the loop. I'd like to recommend all four to anyone looking for new spots to try or places to take friends and family.
Texas Caribbean Food @ Southside on Lamar
I ran across Texas Caribbean Food two weeks ago just before Christmas. While there I met the own of the restaurant Ms. Jan Gore, a resident of Oak Cliff, who made me feel right at home. Ms. Gore said her theme for 2008 is "share the experience."
My first time (and 2nd time) there I had the Jerk Chicken Wings. When I met my wife there for lunch on Saturday I chose the wings again. Served with brown rice, the flavorful wings are Texas Caribbean Food's signature dish.
Texas Caribbean Food is a great spot for lunch and dinner that has free Wi Fi for laptop users. Make sure to ask for your green punch card which makes every 5th meal free.
1409 South Lamar Street, Unit 011
South Side on Lamar
Dallas, TX 75215-6800
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 11am-8pm
Sat noon-10pm
Sun 1pm-5pm
Opening Bell Coffee
Opening Bell Coffee is right next door to TCF at the South Side on Lamar Complex. After lunch, my wife and I rolled in to Opening Bell for a latte and smoothie respectfully.
For the last couple of weeks I've been in and out of Opening Bell which is a great place to write and blog. They also have free Wi Fi, comfortable couches, sturdy tables, and of course delicious beverages. Did I mentioned the deserts? The chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies are my early favorites.
1409 South Lamar Street, Unit 012
South Side on Lamar
Dallas, TX 75215-6800

Dallas, TX 75202