Dr. Frederick D. Haynes NAACP bid finally makes DMN, Ragland column appears Wednesday

James Ragland writes a column today regarding Dr. Federick D. Haynes and his candidacy for President of the national NAACP. See Ragland’s column titled Pastor sets his sights on making NAACP relevant.

Here are a few points from Ragland’s column:

  • Why would the senior pastor of a megachurch want to run an organization that seems to have its head and feet stuck in its gloried past? “Because of the storied history of the NAACP,” Dr. Haynes explained. “And my own awareness of what it has accomplished. This country has come as far as it has come because of the Martin Luther Kings and the NAACP.”
  • “For this to have happened so rapidly, it’s a tremendous honor,” (Haynes) said. “As I told them in our last interview, I’m going to continue doing social justice ministry if they choose me, and if they don’t choose me.”
  • I talked to several prominent black leaders, including Casey Thomas, president of the local NAACP chapter, state Sen. Royce West, former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk and National Urban League president and chief executive officer Marc H. Morial. They all said the NAACP needs someone who can stabilize the organization and help refine its message and methods for the 21st century.
  • Dr. Haynes shared a story that illustrates that point. When he told his 15-year-old daughter about the opportunity he had to lead the NAACP, she didn’t jump up and down with joy. She didn’t express any concern. She was ho-hum.”Fifty years ago,” Dr. Haynes said of the NAACP’s top job, “that would have been a big achievement, and a danger for whoever was considered for this post.”

After a ho hum effort by The News to piece together a story on Monday (page 8B), Ragland’s effort gives new insight on Dr. Haynes efforts with the NAACP (or vice versa). Check out the entire piece if you get a moment.

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