First Mardi Gras Oak Cliff parade on February 22
Date: January 30, 2009
Contact: Amy Cowan
Krewe on Bishop, an all-volunteer committee of Oak Cliff residents and merchants, is proud to announce the first Mardi Gras Oak Cliff parade! The parade will take place on Sunday, February 22, 2009. Start time is 4:00 p.m.
The parade route begins at Methodist Dallas Medical Center and proceeds 1.2 miles south on North Bishop Ave. through the Bishop Arts District. At the end of the parade, The Cliff, a local blues band, will entertain the crowd as they make their way through the shops and restaurants of the Bishop Arts District.
Floats entered thus far range from Oak Cliff neighborhood associations to area businesses. Sponsorships are available at $100 and up.
Parade entries will be taken through Monday, February 16. The entry fee is $50 and will be waived for non-profits. Entry forms are available online at