Michelle Obama to take first solo trip to Ft. Bragg today, debate swirling about her lack of sleeves

Today, First Lady Michelle Obama will make her first solo trip outside of the nation’s capital when she travels to Ft. Bragg, N.C.  Mrs. Obama will meet with military families, a group for which she is seen as a major advocate.

Michelle Obama will hold her first interview as first lady with ABC’s Robin Roberts. Robert’s is traveling to North Carolina for the interview which will air at 6 a.m. Friday March 13th on Good Morning America.

The first lady has been quite busy in her first 50 days, inviting D.C. area youth to the White House, feeding the homeless, and of course attending parent teacher conference as mom-in-chief.

Nia-Malika Henderson of Politico reports that Obama will “go drab” in her Ft. Bragg appearance, in light of the glamorous image that is being crafted around her.  She has been gaining a lot of attention as of late for her penchant for sleeveless blouses and gowns.


See Bonnie Fuller’s Why Can’t America Handle Her Bare Arms?, and Maureen Dowd’s Should Michelle Obama Cover Up? for more on this issue.  Dowd’s article quotes conservative columnist David Brooks as saying ““Sometimes I think half the reason Obama ran for president is so Michelle would have a platform to show off her biceps.”

The spotlight on Mrs. Obama is bright, and detractors won’t miss any opportunity to criticize her.  But this fashion debate seems petty.  I hate that her fashion sense is intermingled with a trip to support military families, but it’s all part of the media/political confluence.

Again, this is why MicheleObamaWatch.com is so important.  Marueen Dowd and David Brooks can’t be left to debate the merits of the first lady’s wardrobe choices.  I mean really are there any black female columnists left at a major newspaper?  This is a story that we must continue to watch.

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