President Obama’s Osawatomie speech sounds like guy we used to know

Remember President Obama’s speech on race (A More Perfect Union), at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia when he was running for President in 2008?

How about State Senator Barack Obama’s 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech?

Where has that guy been for the last couple of years?

I tend to blame President Obama’s advisor’s for his in ability to inspire the country during these tough times.  He has to take responsibility for his part in creating a team where nearly everyone either went to Harvard or is from Chicago.

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But in Osawatomie, Kansas, at least for today, the President recaptured some of the magic  that defined his run for the White House. He challenged his Republican haters without demonizing them.  He focused on how we’re more alike (i.e. suffering financially) than different.  And he used America’s past, this time a speech by Teddy Roosevelt, to look towards America’s future.

Full text of President Obama’s Osawatomie speech.

The reaction to the speech has been largely positive, like this excerpt from an editorial about the speech.

After months of Republican candidates offering a cascade of bad ideas about the economy, President Obama’s speech in Osawatomie, Kan., Tuesday came as a relief. He made it clear that he was finally prepared to contest the election on the issues of income inequality and the obligation of both government and the private sector to enlarge the nation’s shrinking middle class.

New York Times

Of course it will take more than the oh so important teleprompter to win over independents between now and next November.  So much of what’s been lacking lately is confidence.  Confidence in institutions, confidence in legislators, confidence in the executive branch.  Today the President was able to capture the moment and frame the debate.

I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, and when everyone plays by the same rules.

President Obama

The President hasn’t been out-idead by the right, he’s been out messaged.  The Democratic Party has not a clue when it comes to messaging as they are the party of 50 or so issues, with every constituency ready to jump ship our sit out 2012 if their demands aren’t met.  With today’s speech, the President took hold of the Bully Pulpit made famous by Teddy R., which is a good sign for his 2012 Presidential campaign.

Neil Foote and Aaron Tobin with their copies of Blogging While Black.

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4 Responses

  1. Phelps says:

    That was the speech he thought he was giving in Texas, wasn’t it?

  2. Better late than never.

  3. Phelps says:

    No, I mean, he said, “It’s great to be back in the state of Texas” at the start of the speech.

  4. No I was with you on that. Just having a little more fun on a different line. BUt yes I did hear the “Tex” mix up there in the beginning. The President obviously loves him some Lone Star State.

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