Category: Politics and Elections

Angry McCain falters down the stretch

Angry McCain falters down the stretch

John McCain came out swinging in the third and final Presidential Debate. He seemed intent on his promise to “kick Obama’s you know what” at Hofstra Wednesday night. But somewhere between hello and goodnight, Senator McCain let his temper get the best of him. Maybe his campaign didn’t tell him...

Friendship-West/Dallas South Election Watch Party add Fred Hammond, Geno Young, Don Diego

Friendship-West/Dallas South Election Watch Party add Fred Hammond, Geno Young, Don Diego

Please mark your calendars for 7 p.m. on Election Night (November 4th) for the “It’s All The Way Live” Election Watch Party hosted by Friendship-West Baptist Church and Dallas South. Click here for more information. Fred Hammond, Geno Young, Don Diego, and Eddie G are scheduled to perform in what...

Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times and other newspapers grapple with Presidential endorsement decisions

Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times and other newspapers grapple with Presidential endorsement decisions

Steve Rhodes who blogs at Division Street for Chicago’s NBC 5 has an interesting post regarding newspaper endorsements for the upcoming election. In a year that you’d figure Barack Obama’s hometown editorial boards would give him the nod over McCain, Rhodes says there may be more to their decisions than...

Gromer Jeffers and Jack Matthews to Join Shawn P. Williams Now! to talk Election and Convention Center Hotel

Gromer Jeffers and Jack Matthews to Join Shawn P. Williams Now! to talk Election and Convention Center Hotel

Join Jazzy and I on Thursday Night at 10 P.M. for Shawn P. Williams Now! on Blog Talk Radio. Click here or visit to tune in when our guests will be Jack Matthews and Gromer Jeffers. Jack Matthews Jack Matthews – is the President of Matthews Southwest, the company...

John McCain has lost his way in 2008 Presidential Campaign

John McCain has lost his way in 2008 Presidential Campaign

I like John McCain.   I do. Why do I like John McCain?  For the reason that he states in his stump speech.  Because he has taken on his party.  Because in the past, he has tried to shake up Washington. Remember the Gang of 14?  You know, the seven Republican...

Barack, Michelle, and Joe share similar personal stories come from the same place

Barack, Michelle, and Joe share similar personal stories come from the same place

By Jazzy of Because I Said So  Barack and Michelle Obama, and Joe (married to Jill) Biden are 3 the hard way. Each of these individuals has personal tragedies and triumphs that a vast amount of Americans can identify with. Barack and Michelle’s stories we have heard often along the...

On Sarah Palin: Gwendolyn Alexander of African-American Historical Society of Alaska

On Sarah Palin: Gwendolyn Alexander of African-American Historical Society of Alaska

I’m a couple of weeks late on this one but I got this statement in the comments section of the Sean Hannity post.  I checked it out and it’s legit. “As for Governor Sarah Palin’s involvement in the African American community, the Governor’s office hasn’t participated in any of our...

Rick Noriega and John Cornyn debate tonight in Houston

Rick Noriega and John Cornyn debate tonight in Houston

Thursday night at 8 pm, Rick Noriega and John Cornyn will hold their first debate in Houston.  Libertarian candidate Yvonne Schick will also participate in tonight’s debate. The 60-minute debate can be seen locally in Dallas on KERA-TV Channel 13.  KERA will host a debate between Noriega and Cornyn next...

Donavan Wheatfall join’s Shawn Williams & Jazzy on Blog Talk Radio Thursday Night

Donavan Wheatfall join’s Shawn Williams & Jazzy on Blog Talk Radio Thursday Night

Former Ft. Worth City Councilman Donavan Wheatfall will join us on Shawn P. Williams Now! tonight -Thursday October 9th at 10:00 p.m.  Join us by clicking here or logging on to .  We will discuss the Presidential Election and the U.S. Senate race in Texas.

Andy Martin issue: Sean Hannity & Robert Gibbs go toe to toe; Hannity’s racist associations continue

Andy Martin issue: Sean Hannity & Robert Gibbs go toe to toe; Hannity’s racist associations continue

I tuned in to Fox News’ post debate coverage for about 5 minutes and the timing counld not have been more perfect.  Barack Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs was engaged in the Nashville Spin Room with Sean Hannity.As I turned on the television, Gibbs asked Hannity, “Are you an anti-Semite?” ...