Category: Politics and Elections

Bonus Video: An intimate look at Wasilla, Alaska by Slate V

Bonus Video: An intimate look at Wasilla, Alaska by Slate V

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a spirited discussion going on at our post A Note By Anne Kilkinney. In the 4+ days since posting the letter from a Wasilla, Alaska resident it has received the 2nd most comments in the history of Dallas South. The most recent comment...

Day of Blogging for Justice: Community Orgainizers

Day of Blogging for Justice: Community Orgainizers

I knew the GOP convention speakers would come out swinging, but I never I imagined they would take it to the gutter politics level that we saw in St. Paul last week. In Denver, every speaker -to a man or woman- gave Sen. John McCain the respect he deserved as...

Press Release: AfroSpear Day of Blogging for Justice for Community Organizers

Press Release: AfroSpear Day of Blogging for Justice for Community Organizers

Cincinnati, OH – Sep 7, 2008 – I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities. – Sarah Palin, 2008 Wiith those caustic words, Gov Sarah Palin ignited a firestorm in the African American community. Palin’s words resulted in a call being issued by The AfroSpear for a...

Do You Remember…?

Do You Remember…?

By Earnest Gates Michael Jackson put out a song with a very hip beat a few years ago entitled “Remember the Time.” I have a question for you: Do you remember the the last time a Presidential candidate separated himself from the sitting President? How about 1992? Bill Clinton was...

Jon Stewart shows duality of Rove, O’Reilly, Morris et. al.

Jon Stewart shows duality of Rove, O’Reilly, Morris et. al.

Take a moment to watch the double talk, as even Gov. Palin gets in on the act. Say one thing, do another.

Morning Minute: The Sarah and Rudy Show

Morning Minute: The Sarah and Rudy Show

Mobile post sent by shawnpwilliams using Utterz.  Replies.  mp3

Palin sticks to the script in acceptance speech

Palin sticks to the script in acceptance speech

By Jazzy of Because I Said So Gov. Sarah Palin delivered a well rehearsed personal character assassination against Obama which, I expected, she is a conservative Republican, after all. I did learn a lot about her, I, I, I, I was the recurring noun for the night. For a hot...

A note to all by Anne Kilkenny

A note to all by Anne Kilkenny

I got this one in my inbox and checked around the web to make sure this is legit. Anne Kilkenny is also quoted in the New York Times discussing Gov. Palin. ABOUT SARAH PALIN I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992. Everyone here knows...



Washington, D.C. – (September 2, 2008)  Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson will host a training seminar for Dallas-area small business owners on Friday, September 19.  Dan Sturdivant, Assistant to the Director of Outreach at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, will join Congresswoman Johnson for two sessions to present information about...

Morning Minute: Sarah’s Big Day

Morning Minute: Sarah’s Big Day

Mobile post sent by shawnpwilliams using Utterz.  Replies.  mp3