Category: Politics and Elections

Conservatives have found sympathy all of a sudden

Conservatives have found sympathy all of a sudden

Yesterday Earnest Gates used this space to make the following assertion: If this had been Senator Obama’s “teenage daughter”(getting pregnant), we would have heard the words “lack of family values” ad nauseam. Earnest is right.  To see how conservatives felt about teen pregnancy before Monday, just look at this exchange...

The Dallas South Morning Minute

The Dallas South Morning Minute

Mobile post sent by shawnpwilliams using Utterz.  Replies.  mp3

Evangelical Hypocrites

Evangelical Hypocrites

By Earnest Gates It is amazing how people can use their religion for political expediency. I could not believe how forgiving the religious right was of the out of wedlock teenage pregnancy of Governor Palin’s daughter. If this had been Senator Obama’s “teenage daughter”, we would have heard the words...

DALLAS MORNING NEWS: Partisan bloggers building up the buzz at political conventions

DALLAS MORNING NEWS: Partisan bloggers building up the buzz at political conventions

I um want to share this um video interview I did with um the Dallas Morning News.  We were just inside the um perimeter set up um, around the convention hall so you can see the barriers over my shoulder.  Um, Karen Brooks conducted the interview off camera and um...

Erika Alexander -DNC Convention Delegate- talks to Dallas South

Erika Alexander -DNC Convention Delegate- talks to Dallas South

Ya’ll remember Cousin Pam right? Well Erika Alexander who starred on the last two seasons of The Cosby Show is all off into politics now. Alexander was a delegate at the Democratic National Convention, and was on the Presidential campaign trail as a surrogate for the Hillary Clinton campaign. In...