Category: Politics and Elections

Sitting Down

Sitting Down

It’s been a busy morning even though it doesn’t seem like we’ve gotten a lot accomplished. We’ve done a lot of walking and had to go here and there to pick up various credentials. We conducted an interview with Tyler Arthur, a local guy who wrote a book titled “God...



I’ll be live Blogging the Michelle Obama speech tonight. Our man B Rob will be in the Pepsi Center giving us the play by play. So join me as we discuss the words from the Mrs. Obama from the Pepsi Center floor. The live blog will start around 9:30 Central...

Chet Edwards speaks to Texas Democratic delegates during breakast

Chet Edwards speaks to Texas Democratic delegates during breakast

It’s easy to see why Chet Edwards made it so far in the Obama V.P. process. The Waco Representative, whose constituents include President G.W. Bush, spoke to the Texas Delegation about the importance of the 2008 election. At one point Edwards asked the breakfast gathering whether they wanted more Supreme...

You Tube: Hillary Clinton VP Petition circulated among Texas Delegation

You Tube: Hillary Clinton VP Petition circulated among Texas Delegation

Here’s an interview I conducted with Aaron Paz of El Paso about a petition he’s circulating to get Hillary Clinton on the Obama ticket as V.P.

Shawn Williams/Dallas South on Dallas NBC 5

Shawn Williams/Dallas South on Dallas NBC 5

Folks in the Dallas TV market be sure to check the NBC 5 six o’clock broadcast.  I’ve been told that they will be running a story about Dallas South’s trip to Denver covering the DNC convention tonight.  Let me know what you think about Ken Kalthoff’s report since I’m out...