Category: Politics and Elections

Top Year Two Posts #4

Top Year Two Posts #4

This post garnered a record number of comments for Dallas South.  To yesterday’s point, I would have never thought that this short post would have gained so much steam.  It was a popular forward through emails, somebody even forwarded it to me not knowing I wrote it.  Check out the...

2008 Presidential (Obama/McCain) Debates and Key Dates

2008 Presidential (Obama/McCain) Debates and Key Dates

 Here are some dates to remember as we move into the general election season. Democratic National Convention  August 25-28 Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado Republican National Convention September 1-4 Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul Minnesota First presidential debate: Friday, September 26 University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS Vice presidential debate: Thursday, October...

Dallas South raising funds to travel to Denver for DNC Convention

Dallas South raising funds to travel to Denver for DNC Convention

Like Senator Barack Obama, I’m hoping to use the power of the internet to help me raise funds to travel to Denver for the Democratic National Convention. I am hoping to raise enough money to cover the costs for my plane ticket, a rental car, meals for me and my...

Dallas South credentialed for 2008 Democratic National Convention

Dallas South credentialed for 2008 Democratic National Convention

Well we’re packing our bags and taking this thing on the road.  Thanks God for Technorati, or I may not have known I got it.  It was only when I looked at my recent links that I was directed to the Democratic National Convention site. There are a few other...

New York Times article on Reggie Love, Barack Obama’s “Body Man”

New York Times article on Reggie Love, Barack Obama’s “Body Man”

  I ran across a nice article in Tuesday’s New York Times about Barack Obama’s right hand man Reggie Love.  Here are some excerpts from Ashley Parker’s front page piece On the Court and On the Trail. In the last year, Barack Obama has learned a thing or two about...

Liz Trotta jumps on assassination bandwagon with Mike Huckabee and she who must not be named

Liz Trotta jumps on assassination bandwagon with Mike Huckabee and she who must not be named

and now we have what … uh…some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama …….well both if we could [laughing] – Liz Trotta Man this thing is getting ugly. First we had assassination talk launched by she who must not be named. Now Liz Trotta, former New...

She who must not be named almost got me

She who must not be named almost got me

Not sure if any of my astute readers have picked up on this, but Dallas South has gone dark on she who must not be named. As she continues to go from coast to coast pleading her case, I’ve found the best thing to do is follow Senator Obama’s lead...

John Hagee on the Bible and the Holocaust

John Hagee on the Bible and the Holocaust

The “Black Church” gets thrown under the bus while no one accounts for John Hagee’s beliefs. It’s a terrible double standard at work here.