Category: Politics and Elections

UPDATE: The cat’s out of the bag – DNC State Blog List not kind to Black Bloggers

UPDATE: The cat’s out of the bag – DNC State Blog List not kind to Black Bloggers

For the last week or so, there has been a discussion going on in the Black Blogosphere regarding bloggers who have received credentials for the Democratic National Convention. This far, those who have been granted passes will sit on the convention floor with delegations from each state and U.S. Territory....

John Edwards to Endorse Senator Obama today

John Edwards to Endorse Senator Obama today

Tonight, Former Presidential Candidate John Edwards will endorse Senator Barack Obama for President. With some of the other superdelegates who have come out today, it is clear that the Democrats are finally ready to rally around their candidate. It’s about time.

The Math

The Math

 Even with Mrs. Clinton’s “big win” in West Virginia, the math is still the same.  I’m guessing she will pick up a gain of 8-10 delegates on Obama’s lead and 150K or so votes on the total vote.  She will remain over 150 delegates behind.  Now on to Kentucky with...

Dallas South on BBC’s “World Have Your Say”

Dallas South on BBC’s “World Have Your Say”

Thanks to all the good folks across the pond who invited me to participate in a lively discussion on BBC’s World Have Your Say. Here’s audio of today’s show, which revolved around the question of whether or not Hillary Clinton should stay in the Democratic Presidential race. It was a...

Washington Post Highlights Racism in Democratic Presidential Race

Washington Post Highlights Racism in Democratic Presidential Race

The Washington Post has an extensive article today on how race has played out on the campaign trail this year. To his credit, Barack Obama has made no mention to all the negativity produced by the type of voters Hillary Clinton now welcome into her base. Her base of White...



CONGRESSWOMAN EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON TO DELIVER CBC MESSAGE TO AMERICA Congresswoman Johnson will discuss STEM education during Congressional Black Caucus address   Washington, D.C. – (May 9, 2008) Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson will deliver the weekly Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) “Message to America” radio address today. Congresswoman Johnson will discuss...

Barack Obama TIME Magazine Cover – And the Winner is….

Barack Obama TIME Magazine Cover – And the Winner is….

  Time Magazine has some really good post North Carolina/Indiana coverage of the Democratic Presidential race.   I’ll link to the articles below. Obama: The Game Changer Barack Obama has refused to play by the old political rules. He’s about to be rewarded for it. Obama: How He Learned to Win...

Democratic State Convention Elected Positions

Democratic State Convention Elected Positions

State Convention Elected Positions What can I run for? At 3:00 pm on Friday, each Senate District Caucus meets at their posted location in the Convention Center.  All delegates are in attendance here, both Clinton and Obama. At the Convention each Senate District Caucus elects one member to each standing...

Mr. and Ms. Hillary Clinton Supporter, you can stop this now

Mr. and Ms. Hillary Clinton Supporter, you can stop this now

To Hillary Clinton Supporters, First I would like to say that it has been an exciting race for the Democratic Nomination that has seemingly lasted forever. I know it has not ended up as many of you had hoped, buy you and your candidate have a lot to be proud...

Melissa Harris-Lacewell asks Howard Dean if he’s ready to lead

Melissa Harris-Lacewell asks Howard Dean if he’s ready to lead

I came across a nice article at written by Melissa Harris-Lacewell.  She challenges Dean to do something to save his party Hillary’s efforts to blow it up. MelissaHarris -Lacewell is associate professor of politics and African American studies at Princeton University. Dear Gov. Dean, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton...