Category: Politics and Elections

Oakley goes negative in bid to become Dallas Mayor

Oakley goes negative in bid to become Dallas Mayor

I was surprised when I got a 9 X 12 color flyer in the mail this week asking:"What do you really know about Tom Leppert?"  On the front side of the page below a plasma TV screen with Leppert's picture are the words Pol. Adv. Paid by Ed Oakley for...

New York Times profiles Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins

New York Times profiles Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins

Pegasus News and Grits for Breakfast site an article in the New York Times that highlights Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins' efforts towards reversing and preventing wrongful convictions. See Pegasus News coverage here . See New York Times story here .  The Times article has a quote from a...

Dallas Morning News Makes “Non-Issue” an Issue

Dallas Morning News Makes “Non-Issue” an Issue

Sherry Jacobson writes an article today about Ed Oakley's bid to become the first openly gay mayor of a large U.S. city.  See article here.  I've been surprised how little this has been reported on, but it's great that Mr. Oakley has been able to run on his record.  By...

Oakley and Leppert headed for June 16 runoff for Dallas Mayor

Oakley and Leppert headed for June 16 runoff for Dallas Mayor

I can't say I was terribly shocked with the results of Saturday's Dallas Mayoral election.  This is America, and so many times the guy who spends the most money gets the most votes.  This is not to throw rocks at Mr. Leppert – heck I voted for him – but...

Early Voting has Leppert out front for Dallas Mayor followed by Oakley and Hill

Early Voting has Leppert out front for Dallas Mayor followed by Oakley and Hill

Early returns in the Dallas Mayor's race has Tom Leppert leading with 30% of the vote.  Ed Oakley is second with 19% and Don Hill has received 14% of the votes so far.  If no candidate receives 50% or the votes +1, then there will be a runoff.  We'll see...

A Failure in Generalship: Lt. Col. Paul Yingling offers tough assessment of Iraq War leadership

A Failure in Generalship: Lt. Col. Paul Yingling offers tough assessment of Iraq War leadership

Last week on NPR's All Things Considered, Melissa Block interviewed Army Lt. Col. Paul Yingling regarding an article he wrote for the Armed Forces Journal.  Lt. Col. Yingling's 4500+ word article titled A Failure in Generalship, offers a stark and glaring assessment of military leadership, and implores congressional leaders to...

Billy Joe Ratcliff ruled ineligible to run for District 7 council seat

Billy Joe Ratcliff ruled ineligible to run for District 7 council seat

WFAA News 8 discovered a mapping error that has led to Billy Joe Ratcliff being eliminated from the District 7 Dallas City Council race.   See full story here .  According to the News 8 story, Everglade Road serves as a dividing line between Districts 4 & 7. On the...

Dallas South Endorsements for May 12 elections next Thursday

Dallas South Endorsements for May 12 elections next Thursday

Next Thursday April 26, I'll be posting endorsements for Dallas Mayor as well as council Districts 3,4,5,7, & 8.  Please take time to visit the site next week, and thanks to all the candidates who have contacted me thus far.

Business Assistance Center Inc. hosts Ex-Offenders Training in Dallas

Business Assistance Center Inc. hosts Ex-Offenders Training in Dallas

The Business Assistance Center of Dallas held a P.O.W.E.R. Camp on Tuesday April 17th in order to help reintegrate and reeducate ex-offenders.  The P.O.W.E.R. (Preparing Ourselves With Empowered Re-Entry) Camp focus areas include Employment, Housing, Mental Health, and Parole, as well as Substance Abuse, Support Systems, and Transition Preparation.  The...

The Dallas Examiner hosts forums to meet Mayoral and Council Candidates

The Dallas Examiner hosts forums to meet Mayoral and Council Candidates

The Dallas Examiner is hosting Monday Night Politics:Meet the Candidates; where they are giving Dallas voters the opportunity to interact with candidates for Dallas City Council and Mayor.  There have already been forums for Districts 3 & 4.  The remaining meetings will be as follows: April 2   District 5     ...