Category: Politics and Elections

African-American Candidates Look to Make History

African-American Candidates Look to Make History

The USA Today had a front page article in Wednesday's paper titled Election tests how much race matters.  The article highlights Democratic gubernatorial nominee Deval Patrick, who is attempting to become the 1st black governor of Massachusetts, and only the second black governor in U.S. history. The article also references...

Black Voters Early Vote in Large Numbers

Black Voters Early Vote in Large Numbers

Black Churches in Southern Dallas led their members out to the polls in record numbers this Sunday.  Voters at the Oak Cliff Sub Court House waited up to 3 hours to cast their votes, on a historic day for Dallas County.  A number of candidates used the event as an opportunity to gather last minute support for...

DMN on Black Talk Radio

DMN on Black Talk Radio

The Dallas Morning News has a story in Saturday's paper on the effects Black Talk Radio has on local politics, written by Scott Farwell.  I'll have comments on this for Monday.

Super Sunday – Early Voting

Super Sunday – Early Voting

A number of churches in Southern Dallas will caravan to early voting locations this Sunday, October 29th.  The caravan will travel to the following locations: Martin Luther King Jr. Center @ 2922 Martin Luther King BLVD Oak Cliff Sub-Courthouse @ 410 S. Beckley Samuell Grand Recreation Center @ 6200 E....

Corker Ad Part of Republican Desperation

Corker Ad Part of Republican Desperation

Republican Senate Incumbent Bob Corker unleashed a Controversial Campaign Ad over the weekend, in his race against Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. (see ad here).   The controversy centers around a highly made up blonde white female in the commercial who claims to have "…met Harold at the Playboy party," and at the end winks...

Obama in ’08? The Senator Provides a New Clue

Obama in ’08? The Senator Provides a New Clue

The speculation that Barack Obama will make a bid for U.S. President in 2008 continues to gain steam.  The junior senator from Illinois is already the most widely embraced Democrat in the country, and only Hillary Clinton among in his party exceeds his star power.  This is nothing new for Obama. *  The senator...

Dallas South Blog Endorses 2006 Dallas Bond Package

Dallas South Blog Endorses 2006 Dallas Bond Package

I would like to go on record officially endorsing all twelve propositions of the 2006 Dallas Bond Program, which will be on the ballot on November 7. In August, I attended a briefing with my City Councilman Ed Oakley, and I recently walked through the 100 page, itemized breakdown of the Projects By Proposition.  Now,...

Register to Vote – Participate in the Process

Register to Vote – Participate in the Process

Tuesday October 10 is the final day to register for the November 7 election.  Early voting for the November election begins October 23.  There are a number of notable races on the ballot, including Dallas County District Attorney, City of Dallas bond package, and the balance of power in the...

Don’t Vote Straight Ticket

Don’t Vote Straight Ticket

I would think that by now, most of you know that neither major party, Republicans, nor Democrats, deserve the blind faith of African-American voters on Election Day.  After decades of loyalty that black voters have shown the Democrats, there is little to show in the form of tangible progress provided...

A Legend Lost

A Legend Lost

Former Texas Governor Ann Richards has died at the age of 73 following a legthy battle with cancer.  She brought so much energy and flare to Texas politics, all the way up to her last days.  She was a Texas original, and will be missed.