Category: Politics and Elections

Fresh Faces in Ft. Worth

Fresh Faces in Ft. Worth

A while back, I blogged about the Shifting Black Political Scene in Dallas.  And as I mentioned then, Ft. Worth has already seen young leaders step to the forefront in the area Civic Service.  The Dallas Weekly highlights some of the new faces of Ft. Worth Politics in this week's edition.  Take...

No buzz for November Election….Yet

No buzz for November Election….Yet

Rufus Shaw posted a blog titled  The Bond Election: An Afterthought? at on Monday.  He questions whether the Black electorate will turn out at the polls to support the $1.3 Billion Capital Bond Program that will be on the ballot in November.  The program will invest over $365M to streets and...

China Shows U.S. the Way on Unions

China Shows U.S. the Way on Unions

Thanks for hanging with me through my time off. As I read through the paper this morning, I went through my normal routine of scanning the front page, checking out the editorials, and catching up on sports.  I took a second look through the paper, and obviously the news out of...

November is Approaching

November is Approaching

Since Laura Miller announced that she will not seek re-election as Mayor of Dallas, a number of potential replacements have surfaced. The Morning News had a lineup of wannabe mayors, ten men who would be mayor of the nation's 9th largest city. I must admit I thought it odd to...

Laura Miller Calling It Quits

Laura Miller Calling It Quits

Dallas Mayor Laura Miller has decided not to run for re-election next May. She has sighted a desire to spend more time with her children as her reason for leaving City Hall. I think many of you, especially citizens of Dallas, would like to join me as I push back...

Dallas Conference and Leadership Icons

Dallas Conference and Leadership Icons

There is no way around the fact that there were heavy hitters from the black community here in Dallas (Oak Cliff as the paper kept referencing this morning) yesterday. Though some may disagree with the politics of Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, no one can deny the fact...