Category: Featured

Shawn Williams on the Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama

Shawn Williams on the Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama

So much has changed in this world since I started Dallas South (Blog). In 2007, I -along with dozens of other black bloggers- found out that there were other folks out there who were mad as Hell about what was going on with our communities and with our children.  We...

The First Post from White

The First Post from White

This is the first post from the new and improved . Change has come to Welcome to the new I’m Macon Phillips, the Director of New Media for the White House and one of the people who will be contributing to the blog. A short time ago,...

Linda Williams: Reflections

Linda Williams: Reflections

My mom makes her first contribution to Dallas South, reflecting her thoughts on the inauguration of Barack Obama.   Thanks Mom!!!! As I anticipate the inauguration of Barack Obama, I reflect upon growing up attending all-black schools. While gathering for assemblies everyday, we heard words from our principal telling students to...

Liz Cedillo-Pereira: The Inauguration Means We All Must Participate

Liz Cedillo-Pereira: The Inauguration Means We All Must Participate

Liz Cedillo-Pereira is a friend that I met while in Denver covering the Democratic National Convention.  Her feelings on why she chose not to go to D.C. are similar to why I decided to stay in Dallas. While it was very nice to receive an invitation to attend the Inauguration...

Antoinette Brooks: The 1st African American as President Means…..

Antoinette Brooks: The 1st African American as President Means…..

The following is a reflection of a member of the Dallas South Family who tells what the inauguration of the first Black President means to her. By Antionette Brooks The 1st African-American as President of the United States means the nation has had a rude awakening by finding out the...

Howard Witt/Chicago Tribune: Big moment but ‘small step’

Howard Witt/Chicago Tribune: Big moment but ‘small step’

Here are a few excerpts from an article from Howard Witt of the Chicago Tribune regarding the inauguration of Barack Obama. The view the entire article click here. On Tuesday, Hannah Jane Hurdle-Toomey, one of the last living children of an African-American slave, will be watching intently on TV as...

Real Men Cook Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Father’s Day Tradition

Real Men Cook Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Father’s Day Tradition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 12, 2009 PRESS CONTACT Rael Jackson 773-651-8008 ext 2 Real Men Cook Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Father’s Day Tradition Leadership Team includes Roland Martin, Kwame Jackson and Chef Jeff Henderson Chicago, Illinois – Real Men Cook® For Charity has announced its leadership team for their...

NOTORIOUS: Dallas South Movie Review

NOTORIOUS: Dallas South Movie Review

They were the days when things were best, they were the days when things were worst. 1992-1997 The years when the Nortorious B.I.G. was on top, the years that I matriculated through college. Two weeks ago I didn’t even know that there was a Christopher Wallace biopic on the horizon. ...

Bush Legacy tarnished by arrogant missteps

Bush Legacy tarnished by arrogant missteps

When George W. Bush took office in 2001, I of course still felt like he had stolen the election. But since he was from Texas I had made up my mind to give him the benefit of the doubt. The Democrats of Texas had “misunderestimated” Bush when he campaigned to...

Best Show to date: Vincent Tucker’s appearance on Shawn P. Williams Blog Talk Radio

Best Show to date: Vincent Tucker’s appearance on Shawn P. Williams Blog Talk Radio

Check Kristin and I on Blog Talk Radio -Shawn P. Williams Now when our guest was Vincent “Young Heartbreak” Tucker, founder of CWC Entertainment Group and host of the Vincent Tucker Radio Sh0w.  It took us a little while to get back into the swing, but we eventually knocked it...