Category: Finance

Disorganization at Banks Causing Mistaken Foreclosures

Disorganization at Banks Causing Mistaken Foreclosures

by Paul Kiel, ProPublica – May 4, 2010 Allow us to make an introduction: Homeowners, local journalists. Local journalists, homeowners. We’d like to set you up. Since last May, nearly 800 struggling homeowners from all over the country have shared their stories with ProPublica about their efforts to get a...

Financial Education Lecture Series at Southwest Center Mall

Financial Education Lecture Series at Southwest Center Mall

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Southwest Center Mall, and the Consumer Credit Service of Greater Dallas will host a Financial Education Lecture Series on Thursday, July 30, 2009 from 4PM to 6 PM.  The free workshop  on surviving a financial crisis is scheduled to help attendees: Prepare a back-up plan in...

James Guess: The Legal Lowdown on Credit Cards 2009

James Guess: The Legal Lowdown on Credit Cards 2009

BY JAMES “BIRD” GUESS Credit cards do not put people in debt, financial decisions that people make is what put them in debt! On May 22, 2009, President Obama signed The Credit Card Holder’s Bill of Rights Act into law, which could potentially help people become debt free quicker. This...

Gemna Holmes: If Tavis Smiley was White, Wells Fargo and “Ghetto Loans” would be Front Page News

Gemna Holmes: If Tavis Smiley was White, Wells Fargo and “Ghetto Loans” would be Front Page News

I thought Gemna Holmes from Gemna Speaks had an interesting take in a recent post regarding Tavis Smiley. I thought I’d repost some of it here: This is the third in a series of posts about Tavis Smiley and Wells Fargo, sponsor of the State of the Black Union (SOTBU)....

Game Sold Not Told: Madoff’s $65 Billion Ponzi Scheme

Game Sold Not Told: Madoff’s $65 Billion Ponzi Scheme

BY JAMES “BIRD” GUESS Wall Street investor conman, Bernie Madoff, made off with billions of investor’s money and on December 10, 2008, he confessed to orchestrating an estimated $65 billion “ponzi scheme,” that is considered the largest act of investor fraud ever by a single person. On March 12, 2009,...

President Obama wants AIG bonuses back, Dow fizzles after mostly good news

President Obama wants AIG bonuses back, Dow fizzles after mostly good news

President Barack Obama was very clear about how he felt regarding recent reports of bonuses paid out at AIG (American International Group), that surfaced over the weekend. “This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed,” the President said in remarks made at the...

Filing Bankruptcy In Texas: What Can You Keep?

Filing Bankruptcy In Texas: What Can You Keep?

Guest Post by Community Supporter Higgins and Associates Keeping your stuff is probably important to you. Faced with financial obligations that you are unable to pay, understanding the exemptions available in bankruptcy can help you take steps to preserve as many of your belongings as possible in a chapter 7...

James “Bird” Guess: What You Must Know About Taxes for 2009

James “Bird” Guess: What You Must Know About Taxes for 2009

By James “Bird” Guess What if I lost my job? Over 3 million Americans fell victim to job loss in 2008. Unfortunately, losing your job may create new tax issues. Severance pay and unemployment compensation are taxable. Payments for any accumulated vacation or sick time are also taxable. What if...

Kristin shares her JMJ Fitness experience with Dallas South

Kristin shares her JMJ Fitness experience with Dallas South

In the last couple of months, the health posts submitted by guest blogger Jason Johnson have been very well received. Jason is a personal trainer and is the proprietor of JMJ Fitness. Kristin (formerly known as Jazzy) who blogs at Because I Said So and serves as Co-Host on my...

GOD’s Financial Favorites

GOD’s Financial Favorites

  BY JAMES “BIRD” GUESS “Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth” — Deuteronomy 8:18 What does the Bible have to say about money? Many people may consider the Bible to be only a book detailing Jesus’ teachings and the...
