Bible Characters – Phillip


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Philip was one of seven men chosen by the (Jewish People) to handle certain leadership duties while the twelve disciples focused on spreading the Gospel (Acts 6: 3-4). Philip and his counterparts were full of the Spirit and had great wisdom (Acts 6: 5).
In this lesson of inspiring bible characters, we will see how one man can have a great impact on the lives of others. Hopefully, through Philip, we will see how we, too, can do something powerful in the name of God.

Philip spreads the Gospel
•Acts 8: 4-8
–The Bible says that Philip proclaimed Christ. Philip’s dedication to Christ and His Word is an example for us to follow. Do you proclaim Christ to others? What are some ways that you can personally spread the news of Jesus Christ to those you come in contact with?
–Philip ministered to the needs of the people and they were healed. We all know people who are hurting and in need. We have frequent opportunities to assist those who need our help. You can be a listening ear to someone who is dealing with a life crisis, give Godly advice to a loved one, or pray for someone in need. There are a number of ways that you can help another person, relieve their pain and help them find joy once again.

Philip and the Eunuch Cross Paths…
•Acts 8: 26-29
–From scripture, it appears that the angel of the Lord arranged this meeting between Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch.
–Question for Thought: Who has the Lord “arranged” for you to cross paths with? What is the Spirit of God telling you to do about them?
•Acts 8: 30-35
–The Ethiopian eunuch is seeking knowledge about the Lord. He’s been to worship, he’s reading God’s Word, but he needs help to understand it.
–Philip is obedient to the Spirit of God and shares with the eunuch the good news about Jesus.
Philip baptizes the Eunuch

Steps Leading to Baptism

•Hear the Word
–Romans 10: 14

•Believe that Christ is the Son of God
-Hebrews 11: 6

•Repent of Your Sins
–Acts 3: 19

•Confess before men that you believe
–Matthew 10: 32

•Be Baptized for the forgiveness of your sins
–Acts 2: 38

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