Category: Politics and Elections

Dr. Wright comforts Bill Clinton and Lyndon Johnson in times of need

Dr. Wright comforts Bill Clinton and Lyndon Johnson in times of need

In 1998, during one of President Bill Clinton’s darkest hours, who did he call for spiritual guidance? You guessed it, Dr. Jeremiah Wright. Bill Clinton and everyone else should be ashamed for their silence as they watch the media characterize Wright as a fringe outsider that Barack Obama brought to...

Emails received from my ‘Truth to Power’ Dallas Morning News article

Emails received from my ‘Truth to Power’ Dallas Morning News article

I have gotten more emails regarding the “Truth to Power” article I wrote in Wednesday’s Dallas Morning News than anything I’ve done. In part because of the valuable piece of journalistic real estate that Sharon Grigsby and the editorial staff provided me. I am TRULY THANKFUL for the opportunity. White,...

Dallas Morning News – Shawn Williams:Black pastors speak truth to power

Dallas Morning News – Shawn Williams:Black pastors speak truth to power

Here is the article I wrote that appears in Wednesday’s Dallas Morning News. Some of this is familiar from Part 1, but there is about 30-40% new material. Sick. Disgusted. Appalled. Those were some of the feelings that washed over me as I have listened to the mainstream media launch...

The Media Lynching of Jeremiah Wright (Part 2 of 3): Crazy Talk

The Media Lynching of Jeremiah Wright (Part 2 of 3): Crazy Talk

Do I think HIV was an experiment created to destroy black folks? I don’t. Do I see how one might think such a thing? I do. How can one fathom the U.S. Government conspiring against a race people, it’s own citizens no doubt? I believe these words can at least...

Dallas South to appear in Dallas Morning News regarding Dr. Wright situation

Dallas South to appear in Dallas Morning News regarding Dr. Wright situation

I wanted to get the official word before I let you all know, but make sure to pick up a copy of Wednesday’s Dallas Morning News.  From their opinion blog and Sharon Grigsby: I’m glad Shawn Williams of the Dallas South blog has agreed to write a column for tomorrow’s...

Part of Media vs. Wright series on Wednesday and Part 3 on Friday

Part of Media vs. Wright series on Wednesday and Part 3 on Friday

Part 1 of “The Media Lynching of Jeremiah Wright” series was well received, and I will have an announcement  regarding what I mean hopefully by the end of the day.  15 comments on the first day of a post is unprecedented for this website.  Keep the comments coming and check...

The Media Lynching of Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Part 1 of 3): How a 36 year career of evangelism and activism is reduced to a 30 second sound bite

The Media Lynching of Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Part 1 of 3): How a 36 year career of evangelism and activism is reduced to a 30 second sound bite

Sick…disgusted…appalled. Those were some of the feelings that washed over me as I listened to the mainstream media launch an all out assault on Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr. It should have been no surprise, but even my wary eyes were taken aback by the ferocity of the attacks on Dr....

HIllary Clinton photo with Tony Rezko

HIllary Clinton photo with Tony Rezko

Here’s a Hillary Clinton quote from a South Carolina debate: “I was fighting against (Republican) ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezco, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago.”  Who’s the man in the above photo with the Clinton’s?  Tony Rezko. You can read...



CONGRESSWOMAN JOHNSON AND CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS TO INTRODUCE BUDGET SUBSTITUTE THAT IS FISCALLY AND MORALLY RESPONSIBLE Washington, DC – (March 12, 2008) Today, Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chairwoman Carolyn Kilpatrick, and Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-3) will offer an alternative to the Democratic budget on behalf...

Geraldine Ferraro removes herself from Clinton campaign, blames Obama staff

Geraldine Ferraro removes herself from Clinton campaign, blames Obama staff

“I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what is at stake in this campaign.” Those are the words Geraldine Ferraro wrote to Hillary Clinton informing her that she was planning to step down from...