Category: Politics and Elections

More on New York Governor David Paterson

More on New York Governor David Paterson

Here’s a little more information on New York Governor David Paterson. I had received a request to provide more information on Gov. Paterson’s blindness and whether he was born with the condition. This is how the New York Times describes the circumstances: He also grew up legally blind, after an...

Rufus Shaw’s last column rails against idea of a “Dream Ticket”

Rufus Shaw’s last column rails against idea of a “Dream Ticket”

In memory of Rufus and Lynn Flint Shaw, I would like to post Rufus’ last column at The column is titled The Dream Ticket Will Not Work, and was posted on the site only hours before Rufus and Lynn decided to end their lives Monday evening. The post has...

David Paterson of New York poised to become state’s first black governor

David Paterson of New York poised to become state’s first black governor

Word out of New York is that a transition plan is in the works between New York Governor Elliot Sptizer’s office and that of Lieutenant Governor David Paterson. The New York media is having a frenzy around the governor’s involvement in a prostitution ring. That means Paterson is next in...

Geraldine Ferraro says Barack Obama wouldn’t be a contender if he were white

Geraldine Ferraro says Barack Obama wouldn’t be a contender if he were white

If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. — Geraldine Ferraro CNN Political Ticker reports that a Barack Obama adviser is calling on Hillary Clinton to repudiate the comments of one of her supporters. The latest Clinton surrogate to employ race baiting/color arousal politics is...

Rufus Shaw and Lynn Flint Shaw found dead Monday evening

Rufus Shaw and Lynn Flint Shaw found dead Monday evening

What can you say but… As I went through my morning routine checking news sites I saw a disturbing headline at Two found fatally shot at former DART chairwoman’s home. The News reports that Rufus Shaw died of a self inflicted gun shot wound. The story by Dave Levinthal...

NAACP President Finalists includes Dallas’ Frederick D. Haynes III

NAACP President Finalists includes Dallas’ Frederick D. Haynes III

If the NAACP is interested in turning to a high-energy, intelligent, spellbinding orator in the mold of Benjamin L. Hooks…Rev. Haynes easily fits the bill.– George Curry George Curry was the first to write about something that was brought to my attention over a week ago. My pastor, Dr. Frederick...

Mixed results

Mixed results

 I think I’ll just use the words of Charles Dickens to some up my feelings about the presidential race on the Democratic side.  But first my own words.  In football they say if a team has two good quarterbacks then they don’t have one.   See Hillary and Barack.  We’ll...

Post Comments about Texas Democratic Primary and Precinct Convention Here

Post Comments about Texas Democratic Primary and Precinct Convention Here

  Tuesday is the day. The day that Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont help decide who represents the Democratic Party in the November election. I’m asking readers from these states to use this post to chronicle their experience in voting and at the precinct conventions Tuesday night. If you...