Category: Featured

Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Caraway and Martin Luther King III promote non-violence at youth summit

Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Caraway and Martin Luther King III promote non-violence at youth summit

DALLAS – Local leaders will join forces with parents and youth to promote citizenship and non-violence at the fourth annual youth summit on Saturday, June 20, 2009. Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway will headline a panel of local elected officials as part of one local ministry’s commitment to stopping...

People I Follow on the Internet

People I Follow on the Internet

This is the second installment in a series I’m doing titled “People I’m Following.” Tomorrow’s topic is “People I Follow on Twitter.  As for today, it’s People I Follow on the Internet. L.N.Rock African-American Political Pundit I’ve been following Rock for a long time. He holds nothing back and can...

Gemna Holmes: If Tavis Smiley was White, Wells Fargo and “Ghetto Loans” would be Front Page News

Gemna Holmes: If Tavis Smiley was White, Wells Fargo and “Ghetto Loans” would be Front Page News

I thought Gemna Holmes from Gemna Speaks had an interesting take in a recent post regarding Tavis Smiley. I thought I’d repost some of it here: This is the third in a series of posts about Tavis Smiley and Wells Fargo, sponsor of the State of the Black Union (SOTBU)....

Jason Johnson:Top Foods For Endurance Athletes

Jason Johnson:Top Foods For Endurance Athletes

BY JASON JOHNSON While training for the Navy SEAL Fitness challenge I participated in last month, I researched a few of the top foods to fuel endurance athletes. If you’re currently doing intense training, or just need a few foods to get you through your workouts, consider these power foods...

Dallas South Weeklong Series: People I’m Following

Dallas South Weeklong Series: People I’m Following

I’m going to start releasing more lists because as Chris Arnold says: “People love lists” (I know I do). They will all be based on the number seven (I wonder why?). In this Twitter crazed society -not that there’s anything wrong with that- I thought I would outline people that...

Me and my Palm Pre – the wait is over

Me and my Palm Pre – the wait is over

There are very few memorable lines from the Star Wars prequels. But one that always sticks with me is when the Chancellor/Darth Sideous tells Anakin Skywalker “your patience has paid off.” It looks like the patience of Palm users has paid off with the arrival of the Palm Pre, now...

Stephen Tyrone Johns, 39, killed in Holocaust Museum Shooting

Stephen Tyrone Johns, 39, killed in Holocaust Museum Shooting

The Holocaust Memorial Museum announced that 39 year old Stephen Tyrone Johns died as a result of gunshot wounds suffered at the hands of Neo-Nazi James von Brunn.  The Museum released the following statement. There are no words to express our grief and shock over today’s events at the Museum,...

Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn is different that two other incidents

Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn is different that two other incidents

It’s reported that James von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist, walked into The Holocaust Museum and opened fire, apparently killing security guard. von Brunn was also shot and is hospitalized. von Brunn I’ve already heard comparisons to abortion opponent Scott Roeder’s shooting of Dr. George Tillman, and Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad...

Save-A-Lot opens new Southern Dallas location at Crest Shopping Center

Save-A-Lot opens new Southern Dallas location at Crest Shopping Center

On Tuesday, Save-A-Lot held a “Dollar Cutting” ceremony for their newest store at Crest Shopping Center in the Lancaster-Kiest Corridor. The store is completely new construction and replaces an abandoned theater, located at 2611 South Lancaster. Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway were both on...

Preservation Link’s “Through the Eyes of Our Children:Something Beautiful” opens at Dallas Museum of Art

Preservation Link’s “Through the Eyes of Our Children:Something Beautiful” opens at Dallas Museum of Art

On Monday June 1st, Preservation Link’s Point of View photojournalism program held an awards program at the Dallas Museum of Art’s Horchow Auditorium. Preservatino Link is a nonprofit organization that looks to encourage an appreciation and an acknowledgment of community and culture through literacy, art, and technology education. On the...