A message from England

This response from Judy showed up on the comments page.

Hello from England.

I lived in the Alabama for a year, over 30 years ago, and was able to pass my mixed-race self off as white, to free myself of the huge disadvantage of being black. I am not in the least suprised to hear this dreadful story (Jena Six) of injustice towards black people.

The President of the United States heaped great honors on Mrs Rosa Parks at her funeral giving a speech of her achievement in helping America towards giving all people equal rights.  Where is that president now??? Where are those equal rights?

Is there another Martin Luther King out there prepared to make people rally round peacefully to give these students a voice in the name of justice. For God sake, someone out there…please take up the banner. I am fed-up of discrimination, and even more so of blatant racism. Where are our leaders???

This brings up a great point on "passing" that I'll have to address at another time. 

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