Geraldine Ferraro says Barack Obama wouldn’t be a contender if he were white
If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. — Geraldine Ferraro
CNN Political Ticker reports that a Barack Obama adviser is calling on Hillary Clinton to repudiate the comments of one of her supporters. The latest Clinton surrogate to employ race baiting/color arousal politics is Gerldine Ferraro. The Former Vice-Presidential nominee was dealing race cards all over the place.
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” Ferraro told the Daily Breeze in Torrence, California. “And if he was a woman he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”
So let me get this straight. If Barack Obama had two white parents instead of one along with the oratory prowess and vision of John Kennedy he wouldn’t be in the position that he is today? Is Geraldine telling me that you can’t be white and intelligent and be President? What is she saying?
I get so sick of Americans disregarding 400+ years of white privilege and suggesting that black folks are somehow holding them down. Like we’re holding them back from something that they are owed. This black guy is coming in and stealing their chance to have the first woman president. Forget what this has done for the party, this is about us.
Ferraro’s comments are demeaning and a personal affront to the accomplishments of Senator Obama. Barack Obama has done more with less opportunities than those afforded to many Americans. It’s a shame that a party that has spent so much time “propping up” the black community is trying to ambush a campaign that has galvanized them like no other.
This has been part of the Clinton strategy, and she has been unwilling to “denounce” or “reject” those who have made such claims during her run to the White House. Don’t forget the comments of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell who told us, ““You’ve got conservative whites (in Pennsylvania), and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate.” This was his reasoning for why Clinton would make a better candidate in his state.
The math continues to be in Obama’s favor despite scare tactics, race baiting, and the jedi mind trick the Clintons are trying to use with this V.P. thing. Shame on you Geraldine, you should know better.