Category: Politics and Elections

10 Things John McCain could have done were he in the “Cone of Silence”

10 Things John McCain could have done were he in the “Cone of Silence”

John McCain was about a half hour late for his scheduled appearance with Barack Obama at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church over the weekend. Had he been in the “cone of silence” on time, he could have partaken in a number of fruitful activities to pass the time. Here’s 10 things...

Barack Obama tells New Mexico supporter “You’re Wrong”

Barack Obama tells New Mexico supporter “You’re Wrong”

In this video from the campaign trail, a New Mexico Democrat claims Obama has compromised on the War in Iraq and on FISA. He gives his view on why he voted the way he voted. Watch the entire video because at least you can get a view of why he...

New York Times: John McCain Wasn’t in a ‘Cone of Silence’

New York Times: John McCain Wasn’t in a ‘Cone of Silence’

According to the New York Times, Senator John McCain was not in a “cone of silence” on Saturday as Senator Barack Obama, took questions from Rick Warren at Saddleback Church in California.  McCain was in his motorcade on the way to the church while Obama was questioned. Prior to the...

Joey Cheeks of Team Darfur speaks with Afrosphere Action Coalition about Olympics

Joey Cheeks of Team Darfur speaks with Afrosphere Action Coalition about Olympics

Last week it was announced that the Chinese government had revoked the passport of Joey Cheeks, founder and president of Team Darfur. Cheeks is a former speed skater who won a gold medal in the 2006 Turin Olympics. Team Darfur is an international association of athletes devoted to raising awareness...

Russian actions put Bush and “Puty” at odds

Russian actions put Bush and “Puty” at odds

In June 2001, President George W. Bush told the world that he had looked then Russian Vladimir Putin in the eye and “was able to get a sense of his soul.” So then shouldn’t Mr. Bush have sensed Prime Minister Putin’s incursion into Georgia this past week? This conflict between...

Live Blog: Dallas South to host DNC Convention Brainstorming Session

Live Blog: Dallas South to host DNC Convention Brainstorming Session

On Tuesday August 12, 2008, Dallas South will convene a live blog to discuss the upcoming Democratic National Convention. This will be a brainstorming session that is open to all. Dallas South is one of 125 blogs that have been granted credentials for this historic event. The live blog’s primary...

Mike Davis’ poll tax post highlights how recent American Democracy really is for some of us

Mike Davis’ poll tax post highlights how recent American Democracy really is for some of us

Mike Davis of Dallas Progress posts and interesting historical find on his blog. Mike’s mother-in-law came across a poll tax receipt from a post municipal election. Here’s what Mike had to say in his post titled A Piece of History. My Mother-in-law found her receipt from 1963. This was when...

Roland Martin on Bill Clinton’s anger for losing favored status among African-Americans

Roland Martin on Bill Clinton’s anger for losing favored status among African-Americans

Roland Martin, CNN contributor, has written an interesting article regarding Bill Clinton and his continued harping on how we was dealt the race card. Here are some of the highlights from Why Bill Clinton’s Still Upset. Poor Bill. Stuck in no man’s land, no longer able to stand before adoring...

Department of Defense denies testimony on sexual assault prevention as pressure continues to mount

Department of Defense denies testimony on sexual assault prevention as pressure continues to mount

The blogosphere is beginning to swell with support from those who want to see changes is how the Army and the Department of Defense (DoD) handle cases of sexual assault. Dallas South first wrote about the LaVena Johnson case in mid-July, and since then an flurry of activity has taken...

Beware of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Distractions)

Beware of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Distractions)

By Earnest Gates It is become more and more obvious that the Republican party and conservatives in general do not seem very “hopeful” about Senator John McCain’s chances of winning the presidency. Even sadder, John McCain does not think he can win being the Maverick, John McCain. He has decided...