Category: Featured



What if all after school sports were banned until the 4th grade? What would our boys do? When my son was four years old, I decided I would let him join a basketball team. He had already played a year of soccer, also known as “kids in pack follow ball,”...

2008 Top 10 Places to go in Dallas

2008 Top 10 Places to go in Dallas

10. Bishop Arts Theatre Center The newly renovated Bishop Arts Theatre is a wonderful backdrop for Teco Theatrical Production founder Teresa Coleman Wash’s unique vision. In October, Leonard’s Car played to enthusiastic crowds and rave reviews. Southern Dallas now has it’s best performing arts venue since…since ever. 9. House of...

For Sarah Palin: 10 ways to tell if you are in a “Pro-America area of this great nation”

For Sarah Palin: 10 ways to tell if you are in a “Pro-America area of this great nation”

It’s been a while since I’ve created a list, and you know people love lists. So today I’m listing the Top 10 ways to tell if you are in a “Pro-America area of this great nation” This is in honor of Governor Sarar Palin who recently said the following at...

Colin Powell gets blasted by conservatives who once held him on high

Colin Powell gets blasted by conservatives who once held him on high

Do you remember in Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing when a number of the characters went off on racial tangents. Pino, one of Sal’s sons who worked in the pizzeria was charged with slurring blacks. Ice Cube played this clip on his Death Certificate CD right before the single...

Shawn Williams for Paris (Texas) News: Concensus on race will take effort by all

Shawn Williams for Paris (Texas) News: Concensus on race will take effort by all

Here’s an article that I wrote for the Paris News -my hometown paper- that appeared in last Friday’s paper.  Thanks to Mary Madewell for the opportunity.  The 2008 Presidential Election has forced Americans to examine race in a way that we haven’t in years. But in my estimation, the uncomfortable...

Dallas Morning News endorses/recommends (John McCain) that other one

Dallas Morning News endorses/recommends (John McCain) that other one

On Sunday’s Dallas Morning News editorial page, their board proudly proclaims “We Recommend: John McCain’s experienced courage for president.” I wonder who was given the task of writing this endorsement?  Whoever it was, I bet that they didn’t endorse John McCain in the Republican Primary. Well, anyway, the Morning News’...

On Adam “Pac Man” Jones: Gossip Girls within there right to search for truth

On Adam “Pac Man” Jones: Gossip Girls within there right to search for truth

The Gossip Girls That’s what I call them. They guys (and girls) that cover the Dallas Cowboys only looking for the soap opera angle. Last week it was Tony and T.O. – “did they talk?” “didn’t they talk?” “did they kiss and make up?” I got so sick of it...

Andy Martin issue: Sean Hannity & Robert Gibbs go toe to toe; Hannity’s racist associations continue

Andy Martin issue: Sean Hannity & Robert Gibbs go toe to toe; Hannity’s racist associations continue

I tuned in to Fox News’ post debate coverage for about 5 minutes and the timing counld not have been more perfect.  Barack Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs was engaged in the Nashville Spin Room with Sean Hannity.As I turned on the television, Gibbs asked Hannity, “Are you an anti-Semite?” ...

Prairie View/Grambling shine under the lights, State Fair Classic played at renovated Cotton Bowl

Prairie View/Grambling shine under the lights, State Fair Classic played at renovated Cotton Bowl

As I was driving in to the State Fair Classic on Saturday, I was already thinking about this post.  I was fully prepared to suggest that Al Wash (who promotes the contest) move the game to a two o’clock start.  There were two things that I was going to use...

Dallas Convention Center Hotel Referendum to join three failed efforts

Dallas Convention Center Hotel Referendum to join three failed efforts

Strong Mayor – Failed Not so strong Mayor – Failed Trinity Toll Road – Failed Three referendums put forth to the Dallas voters and three big NO’s.  Now they’re getting the crew back together for another comeback tour. I don’t doubt that opponents of the Convention Center Hotel will get...