Category: Featured

A Tale of Two Conventions

A Tale of Two Conventions

As soon we got off the plane in Denver, you could feel that something special was about to take place. There were people holding signs of all types. We talked to delegates from all over the country. What was more, there were people in town for vacation or to visit,...

Dallas South Social Media Tools from Denver

Dallas South Social Media Tools from Denver

Here are all the means of communication that I plan to use while I’m in Denver next week. It’s going to be fast and furious, but everything will feed into Dallas South somehow or another. FriendFeed – Utterz – Twitter – Flickr – YouTube –

New York Times: John McCain Wasn’t in a ‘Cone of Silence’

New York Times: John McCain Wasn’t in a ‘Cone of Silence’

According to the New York Times, Senator John McCain was not in a “cone of silence” on Saturday as Senator Barack Obama, took questions from Rick Warren at Saddleback Church in California.  McCain was in his motorcade on the way to the church while Obama was questioned. Prior to the...

C.J. Wilson shows up Ron Washington, second classless move of the season

C.J. Wilson shows up Ron Washington, second classless move of the season

  I haven’t watched as much baseball as in years past, but I happened to be watching when Texas Rangers “closer” C.J. Wilson made two Busch League moves.  The latest came Tuesday night when Wilson showed blatant disrespect for Rangers manager Ron Washington in the team’s 8-6 win over the...

Senator Barack Obama finds himself in no-win situations much of the time

Senator Barack Obama finds himself in no-win situations much of the time

Senator Barack Obama talked about no win situations some last week. Most recently this came up in relation to the never ending assertion that Obama is Muslim. If he vehemently denies all the rumors that spread then it can be viewed as him dissing Muslim Americans. But as a Christian...

Why are poor, uneducated Whites called “blue collar workers?”

Why are poor, uneducated Whites called “blue collar workers?”

By Earnest Gates  As your daily politics watcher, it is my responsibility to raise concerns that are of interest to you. Since that is the case, I would like to pose a question: Why are poor, uneducated Whites called blue collar workers? It is interesting to me that poor uneducated...

Use of Force Continuum needs revisiting due to lethal nature of taser guns (Day of Blogging for Justice)

Use of Force Continuum needs revisiting due to lethal nature of taser guns (Day of Blogging for Justice)

We have talked quite a bit about the lethal nature of tasers here at Dallas South.  Most recently the device also known as a “stun gun” was in the news due to the death of Baron “Scooter” Pikes.  Pikes was shocked nine times with a Taser in the town of...

Blogging While Brown Conference in Atlanta a huge success in inaugural year

Blogging While Brown Conference in Atlanta a huge success in inaugural year

If there was a blogging conference and no one from the mainstream media covered it, did it really happen? Of course it did. This weekend, 60 bloggers gathered in Atlanta for the inaugural Blogging While Brown International Conference of Bloggers of Color. The event was produced by Executive Director Gina...

The Great American Equalizer: Even with education African-Americans still find earning gap exists

The Great American Equalizer: Even with education African-Americans still find earning gap exists

By Jazzy Education and hard work are the consistent mantra that permeates the essence of the American Dream. Education, as we know, is not created equally nor is it extolled equally. Schools in lower socioeconomic areas are rife with underperforming curricula, in desperate need of updated teaching materials, and innovated...

Chicago Tribune/Howard Witt tell of taser death in Louisiana, cousin of Jena 6 defendant

Chicago Tribune/Howard Witt tell of taser death in Louisiana, cousin of Jena 6 defendant

Some of you may remember that the issue of tasers aka stun guns has been a hot topic at Dallas South in the past. Last December, the Dallas Morning News reported the details of a Waxahachie man (African-American) who was tasered by police after calling 911 (in April of ’07)...