Category: Media

Chicago Tribune Endorses Barack Obama for President

Chicago Tribune Endorses Barack Obama for President

The Chicago Tribune has endorsed Barack Obama to be President of the United States. As you will see, it is a historic move for the storied daily newspaper. If anyone would know about Barack Obama’s associations -whether Bill Ayers or Father Pfleger- it would be the Chicago papers. And with...

Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times and other newspapers grapple with Presidential endorsement decisions

Chicago Tribune, Sun-Times and other newspapers grapple with Presidential endorsement decisions

Steve Rhodes who blogs at Division Street for Chicago’s NBC 5 has an interesting post regarding newspaper endorsements for the upcoming election. In a year that you’d figure Barack Obama’s hometown editorial boards would give him the nod over McCain, Rhodes says there may be more to their decisions than...

On Adam “Pac Man” Jones: Gossip Girls within there right to search for truth

On Adam “Pac Man” Jones: Gossip Girls within there right to search for truth

The Gossip Girls That’s what I call them. They guys (and girls) that cover the Dallas Cowboys only looking for the soap opera angle. Last week it was Tony and T.O. – “did they talk?” “didn’t they talk?” “did they kiss and make up?” I got so sick of it...

Andy Martin issue: Sean Hannity & Robert Gibbs go toe to toe; Hannity’s racist associations continue

Andy Martin issue: Sean Hannity & Robert Gibbs go toe to toe; Hannity’s racist associations continue

I tuned in to Fox News’ post debate coverage for about 5 minutes and the timing counld not have been more perfect.  Barack Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs was engaged in the Nashville Spin Room with Sean Hannity.As I turned on the television, Gibbs asked Hannity, “Are you an anti-Semite?” ...

Launch of Shawn P. Williams Now on Blog Talk Radio set for Thursday at 10 pm Central

Launch of Shawn P. Williams Now on Blog Talk Radio set for Thursday at 10 pm Central

I’m excited to announce that Dallas South is launching a Blog Talk Radio Program this Thursday night (Sept. 25) at 10:00 p.m CST.  The show called Shawn P. Williams Now, will focus on the same things that we talk about here at Dallas South – politics, media, sports, and current...

BBC discussion includes Log Cabin Republicans, North Texas Pakistani Society VP, and Dallas South

BBC discussion includes Log Cabin Republicans, North Texas Pakistani Society VP, and Dallas South

On Monday, I had a chance to spend my lunch hour with the good folks from the BBC’s World Have Your Say Radio Program.  I’ve been on the show with host Ros Atkins three times previously, and it was nice to have the opportunity to meet him in person. Listen...

Media does a disservice to Galveston/Houston’s bout with Hurricane Ike

Media does a disservice to Galveston/Houston’s bout with Hurricane Ike

Watching the media coverage of Hurricane Ike I couldn’t tell if they were relieved or disappointed that more people didn’t die as a result of the storm.  I kept hearing how things were not that bad and how Galveston and Houston were “spared.”    The folks that  I talked to in Houston...

How Dare They?

How Dare They?

By Earnest Gates After Senator Obama gives a major speech on education, the McCain campaign comes back with an ad that says that he supported sex education for kindergarten kids. How ignorant can you be? What type of man would allow his campaign to make such an ad? Someone desperate to...

Shawn Williams/Dallas South on Dallas NBC 5

Shawn Williams/Dallas South on Dallas NBC 5

Folks in the Dallas TV market be sure to check the NBC 5 six o’clock broadcast.  I’ve been told that they will be running a story about Dallas South’s trip to Denver covering the DNC convention tonight.  Let me know what you think about Ken Kalthoff’s report since I’m out...

Roland Martin secures interview with Michelle Obama on TV One

Roland Martin secures interview with Michelle Obama on TV One

Big ups as usual to my chapter brother Roland Martin for securing an interview with Michelle Obama.   August 21, 2008 –Michelle Obama sits down with TV One commentator Roland Martin to discuss a wide range of topics that provide a personal glimpse of the presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate’s spouse, her...