Category: Politics and Elections

Racist Obama button sold at Texas Republican Convention, vendor booted

Racist Obama button sold at Texas Republican Convention, vendor booted

I must have missed this story over the weekend, but apparently a vendor at the Texas GOP convention was showing their true colors by reminding Barack Obama of his. The Dallas Morning News who first wrote a story last weekend on the campaign button to the left reports the vendor...

Barack Obama “Yes We Can” Video Win’s Emmy Award

Barack Obama “Yes We Can” Video Win’s Emmy Award

According to the famous “Yes We Can” video that spliced together clips of Barack Obama’s New Hampshire primary night speech and set it to music with celebrities singing along has won an Emmy award. Click here to see the full report, watch the video, and and read words from...

Barack Obama to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus this Thursday

Barack Obama to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus this Thursday

Mike Soraghan from The reports that Senator Barack Obama will meet with the Congressional Black Caucus this week in order to shore up support for the upcoming general election. Here are some of the highlights from the report about the presumptive nominees meeting with the CBC. Sen. Barack Obama...

Senator Barack Obama challenges black fathers and black families

Senator Barack Obama challenges black fathers and black families

Senator Barack Obama and his family spent Father’s Day at the Apostolic Church of God on Chicago’s South Side. Any fool can have child, that doesn’t make you a father. Senator Barack Obama I heard Kyra Phillips on CNN asking whether or not Obama would take heat for his comments,...

Al Gore to endorse Barack Obama

Al Gore to endorse Barack Obama

Tonight, Al Gore will endorse Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States.  “A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support,” Al Gore says in an email to Obama supporters. “Over the next four years, we are going to face...

Dallas Morning News writes more on Black Bloggers and the DNCC

Dallas Morning News writes more on Black Bloggers and the DNCC

Karen Brooks of the Dallas Morning News writes a follow up article to her story from a few weeks ago regarding black bloggers and the Democratic National Convention.  Some of you may recall that African-American bloggers were pretty upset when the DNC announced their state blogging pool, the first pass...



  Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act will benefit 3.8 million Americans Washington, D.C. – (June 12, 2008)  Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson today joined a bipartisan majority of her colleagues in the House of Representatives to vote for H.R. 5749, the Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act.  The legislation will immediately provide...

Obama Supporters:  Sign up now, plan Unite for Change event

Obama Supporters: Sign up now, plan Unite for Change event

Folks have been asking me what they can do to help out the Obama campaign. Yard signs and bumper stickers are easy, but it’s going to take more that that to make sure November turns out in our favor. First, sign up for an account at I have to...

Mike Davis joins Barack Obama’s Urban Policy Committee

Mike Davis joins Barack Obama’s Urban Policy Committee

I am proud to announce that Dallas Superblogger Mike Davis has joined Senator Barack Obama’s Urban Policy Committee. Many of Dallas South’s readers are familiar with Mike’s work via his blog Dallas Progress. Mike D. has been recognized by D Magazine, the Dallas Observer for his work helping to close...

Roland Martin suggests moving Election Day to first Saturday in November

Roland Martin suggests moving Election Day to first Saturday in November

I have to credit Gordon Keith and Muse in the News for alerting me to an innovative idea proposed by CNN Contributor Roland Martin. Martin suggests that the U.S. Government should consider moving election day from the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, to the first Saturday in...