Category: Jason Johnson

Top Foods For Endurance Athletes

Top Foods For Endurance Athletes

BY JASON JOHNSON While training for the Navy SEAL Fitness challenge  back in May, I researched a few of the top foods to fuel endurance athletes. If you’re currently doing intense training, or just need a little extra to get you through your workouts, consider these power foods for endurance...

Jason Johnson: Choose this, NOT that

Jason Johnson: Choose this, NOT that

In a nod to my favorite magazine (Men’s Health) Jason Johnson gives us 5 easy tips for healthier living. BY JASON JOHNSON Living a healthier nutritional lifestyle is all about making gradual changes to your diet and making the right choices. Here are 5 quick and simple health tips you’ve...

10 Questions with JMJ Fitness Superstar client, Kristin

10 Questions with JMJ Fitness Superstar client, Kristin

BY JASON JOHNSON Hi everyone. I would like you all to meet one of my JMJ Fitness Superstar clients, Kristin! You may know her from the blog Because I Said So, or as a contributor to Dallas South. She just completed an awesome personal fitness goal. I asked her 10...

Should I use exercise machines or free weights?

Should I use exercise machines or free weights?

BY JASON JOHNSON If you have the option, opt for free weights. The gold standard in strength & conditioning is to perform an exercise using free weights (dumbbells or a barbell). Why? You’ll burn more calories by engaging your stabilizer muscles. Translation-it’s more challenging. More challenge = more muscles being...

Jason Johnson: Chocolate is good for you!

Jason Johnson: Chocolate is good for you!

Chocolate really is good for you. But not the kind of chocolate you have grown to love: Snickers, Twix, Kit Kats, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, etc. Sure, they may taste great. But they aren’t so tasty to your physique. All are typically high in refined white sugar, milk fats and...

Jason Johnson : Keep it Simple

Jason Johnson : Keep it Simple

By Jason Johnson Adkin’s Diet. The Mediterranean Diet. The Detox Diet. The Cabbage Soup Diet. Weight Watchers. Jenny Craig. There are many diets out there that promise weight loss. And the truth of the matter is-they all will result in some initial weight loss. Any diet will work and should...

Change Your Workout Routine: Avoiding the Plateau

Change Your Workout Routine: Avoiding the Plateau

How to avoid the dreaded PLATEAU in your exercise routine By Jason Johnson We all have experienced a point in our exercise program in which we stop seeing results. You have worked out consistently for 8 weeks straight and kept your diet clean. You lost weight during this time, your...

Your best $10 fitness investment

Your best $10 fitness investment

BY JASON JOHNSON This $10 piece of exercise equipment will give you a better workout than a $2000 treadmill and won’t take up any space. A jump rope! Jumping rope or skipping rope, as it’s sometimes referred to, is an excellent form of total body conditioning. I’m always a fan...

Jason Johnson: Should you buy organic produce?

Jason Johnson: Should you buy organic produce?

BY JASON JOHNSON A non-profit research organization called the Environmental Working Group studied which produce was the most likely to be contaminated by pesticides, and therefore best eaten organically grown, and which ones were the least likely to be contaminated, and therefore could safely be eaten conventionally grown.  Here is the list of the...

Week One Weight Loss Update From Kristin

Week One Weight Loss Update From Kristin

Kristin, my co-host on the Shawn P. Williams Now Blog Talk show is sharing her weight loss journey with the Dallas South Family. She is working with Dallas South contributor and JMJ Fitness proprietor Jason Johnson on a 6-week program. Today, Kristin tells us about her first week following Jason’s...