Category: Politics and Elections

An Election/Presidential Conversation between two hardworking blue collar voters

An Election/Presidential Conversation between two hardworking blue collar voters

Monday I wanted to share with you an ACTUAL conversation that I overheard on Friday.  When I share this with people, it’s so stereotypical that people won’t believe it.   This conversation was between two gentlemen –one looking to be in his late 40’s and the other in his mid 60’s.  Let’s...

OH…It’s Much Clearer Now…

OH…It’s Much Clearer Now…

 Here’s another gem that I got in my inbox over the weekend.   I’m a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight…..   * If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you’re “exotic” and “different.”  * If you grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers,  It is...

Thoughts on the S.P./Charlie Gibson Interview

Thoughts on the S.P./Charlie Gibson Interview

My thoughts can be summed up in one word: NEW+KEW+LAR Doesn’t everybody remember what happened last time we elected someone who didn’t know how to say NUCLEAR? Sarah struggled, there’s no doubt about that.  Adding Canada and Mexico to the list of her travels.  Having never met a foreign head...

What will November 4th Tell Us?  Presidential Election or Popularity Contest

What will November 4th Tell Us? Presidential Election or Popularity Contest

By Jazzy of Because I Said So This election is beginning to remind me of the time I ran for my high school senior class secretary position (which I won, yeah me). That election was solely based on how many people knew your name, what they knew about you, and...

How Dare They?

How Dare They?

By Earnest Gates After Senator Obama gives a major speech on education, the McCain campaign comes back with an ad that says that he supported sex education for kindergarten kids. How ignorant can you be? What type of man would allow his campaign to make such an ad? Someone desperate to...



John McCain and Barack Obama issued the following statement on coming together to mark the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks: “On September 11, 2008, we will join together to mark the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at Ground Zero. “All of us came together on 9/11 — not as...

Sarah Pal(es)in Comparison to other GOP Women

Sarah Pal(es)in Comparison to other GOP Women

The question must be asked: Is this the best you can do? The answer is obviously yes if posed to Senator John McCain. The Republican party has a strong farm system of women senators and representatives with foreign policy and domestic policy experience. Why Sarah? To ignite the social conservative...

Gov. Sarah Palin says “dynamic” Obama’s message “does resonate well” in Alaska

Gov. Sarah Palin says “dynamic” Obama’s message “does resonate well” in Alaska

OK, one more Sarah post.  As far as I can tell this is an interview with Sarah Palin.  Listen as she all but endorses Obama’s message for change. No wonder they won’t let her talk, their afraid she’ll express her true feelings for Obama.

Shawn Williams appearances on KLIF (Jeff Bolton) and NBC 5

Shawn Williams appearances on KLIF (Jeff Bolton) and NBC 5

Still trying catch up on some stuff from the DNC Convention, it will probably take me the rest of the month to get all of the content out.  The above is part of an interview I did with Jeff Bolton on KLIF 570.  Thanks to Jeff and Clint Granberry for...

Political Election Season in full swing for next 60 days

Political Election Season in full swing for next 60 days

By Earnest Gates People, it is game time. The next 60 days will be here and gone before you know it. There is still much work to do. If you live in Dallas County, you have until midnight on October 6th to register voters. Don’t take any chances! We need to...